Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Its like pulling teeth...

The human condition comes with a flaw.  Well, actually a lot of flaws - we are strangely gangley creatures with no natural body covering except in odd places, we leak when upset and we have a need to collect possessions and build places to keep them, but the flaw in question is this: we are born without teeth.  Anyone who has breast fed a child with teeth will probably be shouting - that's not a flaw.  But it is - because it means that babies have to teeth.  And that is just the pits.  The absolute pits.  It should happen in the womb, then we wouldn't have to put up with a teething child.  In fact, right this second, I'm willing to put my youngest back IN the womb for a few days, at least then I'd get the use of my hands back...

So Baby G is cutting her top incisors.  But, this thing is, keen observers of my blog will know that she has recently been sick.  Really sick.  Raging fevers. 40 plus deg fevers. We had to strip her naked and put her in a cold baths.   She wouldn't sleep lying down and spent large amounts of time being held upright while she slept.  It was painful.  It lasted for 4 days.  I canceled a large social occasion I flew into a rage when the doctor's told me to give her paracetamol and wait and see.  It could be an ear ache, a chest infection, roseola, tonsilitis, appendicitis, something-or-other-itis.  A day later, when she was still sick I demanded to be seen.  He spent 90 seconds looking in her ears, in her throat and listening to her chest - declared she had a virus and told me to take her home and give her paracetamol.  I swore.  I whined. I wrote scathing remarks on my Face Book status... I made an executive decision if it went over 40 deg again at any given point I'd take her to A and E (it was the weekend).  It didn't, late Sunday evening she chirped up, slightly.  But here's the thing - then I noticed a tiny piece of tooth protruding.

A coincidence surely?  She happened to teethe when she had a virus - surely?  She is definitely teething now.  She won't be put down, is grumpy and needy.  Drooling everywhere. Classic teething behaviour.  But she did have a teeny weeny fever when she cut her first two teeth, and was by far the most melodramatic about it of all three of the girls. But that's G for you - she's melodramatic about everything - you should see the thrombo she throws when I get her grow bag off the peg...

No - There are three reasons she can't only have been teething:
1. She was too sick.  I know they can get a fever when they teethe, but not 40 deg surely?  Children don't get admitted to A and E for teeth surely? Even the rubbish doctor didn't suggest it was teeth.  No red cheeks.  No drool.  No runny tummy. My mummy instincts say not teeth.
2. I insisted on face book that she was really sick.  I blogged to the world that she was really sick.  I cancelled a barbecue with over 30 guests over this - please don't let me have done this over teeth.  The shame would be unbearable... I refuse to accept that it was teeth in order to maintain a smidgen of dignity.
3.  If this is teeth - she has 17 more to go! Including premolars and molar.  This is only the incisors.  If she is this bad for this - what is coming up?   I believe an adoption may be on the cards...


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