Friday, 19 August 2011

Best laid plans...

Okay - I'm in a bad mood and tired.  I was up all night and haven't stopped all day - and there were no good times involved.  One of my favourite Blackadder quotes is "The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd" - read on for a few cowpats...

In the last 2 weeks I had 3 exciting outings planned - a trip to the National Gallery in London; a day at the Milton Maize Mase with some mums, and a big barbecue for 30 of our friends and relations to celebrate Middle E and Baby G's upcoming birthdays.  These had involved various amounts of effort on my part.  The trip to the gallery involved 2 hours pouring over internet sites deciding which gallery to go to, which train and tube station to get on and off at (i.e. the ones with escalators - I seem to have been carrying buggies up and down underground station stairs for the last 10 years of my life...) where to get the necessary cup of coffee I need every 45 minutes in order to survive being in a City with the children...  The trip to the maize maze on the other hand involved me saying yes to an invitation.  A toughie.  But the barbecue had involved a huge amount of organisation - invitations, a face book event page (you didn't think I was going to write a blog without mentioning FB did you?), co-ordinated catering (all dishes being brought had to be certified nut free), one of my legendary cakes was to be made and decorated, enough booze to keep the Irish Army happy for a week or two was being orders (I did say my relations were coming).  Happy days - I'm a party planner....  All these events were being looked forward to for lots of reasons.  I was looking forward to going to the gallery and being cultured for a change.  The kids were looking forward to the barbecue - there may have been gifts!  And everyone loves the Maze Maise - the kids run a mock, I pick up tips on how to be a good mum. Not to mention how nice it would be to have a break in the monotony of the holidays...

So why tell you all this?  What do all of these events have in common?  What has any of this got to do with a cow pat?  They were cancelled due to sick kids - thats what! The night before we went to the gallery Middle E "mommited" on the carpets.  So instead of Van Gogh, I spent the day with a rug doctor.  Maize Maze - Middle E (again!) developed irritable hip and was walking like a barbie doll with her legs turned the wrong way round. Not exactly ideal day for physical activities... Play day and birthday barbecue - Baby G has tonsilitis.  Not only did we not get our fun days out, but you all know what this means...  Phone calls and trips to the doctors.  Carrying around an 11 month old.  All day. and all night.  No sleep.  The other kids getting house bound.  Disappointment. Over-used of the television, Not a good mum or satisfied kid in sight...

Cowpats.  Vomit puddles.  Fevers.  I sometimes wonder why I bother making plans in the school holidays or on the weekends at all - I should just be spontaneous, live life one day at a time.  Just wake up, check that none of the kids are blowing chunks on the stairs - if its all clear go out somewhere nice....


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