There are two members of our family who have not been introduced to y'all, yet they are an integral part of anything entertaining that happens in our house - Charles and Mia (more commonly known as Charlie and Mimi) - the cats. Charlie is a male Birman, he's 2.5. Mimi is a street rat - she's 1. I love Charlie more than Mia, I can't help it, I just do. Its okay, they aren't kids, just cats. Well in fairness these are not just any old cats (actually it is possible that Mimi is just any old cat) Charlie is well worth reading about. Firstly he is officially the best looking cat in history (he is the Brad Pitt of cats - gorgeous, slightly daft and with a female sidekick that possess all the brains and is skilled in the art of manipulation). Aside from being really, really, really, really, really good looking, Charlie has another super-power. He is able to detect the least suitable place to be, and be there! I started taking photographs of him last winter and putting them on my FB for a laugh. He now has quite a following now. I think some of my friends actually like Charlie more than they like me. I thought I should branch out and left Charlie start blogging too... Here are a few examples of his escapades from last Winter:

This is where it all started - he slept in my in-tray and was rewarded with attention and a photo...
Washing is not safe...
But neither is the ironing...
This one was taken this morning - he has assumed the highchair as his spot to sit during the breakfast run in the mornings, providing G isn't in it...
And this is Mimi - testing out whether, if she sleeps somewhere silly, she might also get attention. But its just not quite as good somehow...
So she settled for attacking and tripping up everyone who goes up and down the stairs.
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